Friday, April 25, 2014

The Chocolate Surprise

Today, I have a story to tell. It’s my most embarrassing one, so enjoy!

It all started on my way back from our family road trip to Canada. With so many siblings, we have to take stops about every hour for one reason or another. Well, about a quarter way through our trip, I decided to eat a box of Smarties I had packed in my travel bag for the car trip (Canadian smarties are like M&M’s except, in my mind, way better. . .but unfortunately they don't sell them in America).  Without thinking I gave my younger brother a few pieces, because I was just being a good sister. He wasn't looking so he dropped most of them and at the time I really didn't care. About an hour later we had to stop at a big rest stop for food and a potty break. I got out of the car and walked around the restaurants and gift shops for a good 15 minutes, but the whole time people gave me really weird looks. Of course at the time I was confused why people were laughing at me and why little kids were pointing at me, but eventually I just didn't even care. When it was time to leave, I was about to get in the car when my mom pointed out that I had been walking around with chocolate stains all over the back of my pants. When I looked I realized just how bad it was. All up and down the back of my pants was covered in chocolate. . .I suddenly remembered where my brother had dropped the candy. . .right under his seat. When I looked I saw that the chocolate had melted and drooled all the way down under me.

So the lesson in this story is: Clean up your mess right away, especially if its chocolate in the back seat of the car on a long road trip!

If this put a smile on your face, put a smile on mine by 1+ing, sharing, and commenting on this post! Be sure to check my blog often to read more fun stuff. Thanks again!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Josiah's Birthday!

On March 24 my 6 year old brother turned 7! Here is what happened.

He woke up very early in the morning, to find a special present on his bed full of candy and little gadgets and trinkets. He then proceeded to eat all his candy and blame it on Elijah-my youngest brother. When I woke up and came upstairs he informed me that I had to get him breakfast, because he was the boss of me on his birthday.
He proceeded all day long to command us to do all his work because it was his day (he even attempted to boss my mom around.) Eventually me and my sister Charlotte went downstairs and locked ourselves in my room to get away from “King Josiah.” He came down and pounded on the door saying that we had to come upstairs to watch his show with him because he was in charge.

At dinner we ate Tacos and cake. We all played the story game, because Josiah wanted to play that and he reminded us once again, we had to play because it was HIS birthday, not ours.

Finally It was bedtime, the time of day where I get excited for some alone time. He fought, and fought sleep, but finally he lost and fell into a deep slumber, and I was free!

Go check out my friend's blog, and tell her I sent you!

Hope you enjoyed, Cora~

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How to Survive a Long Car Trip with Siblings

My family took a road trip around Christmas time to visit some family up in Canada! It was a lot of fun, but unfortunately its a 4-8 hour trip (depending on where we go) plus all the potty breaks and food stops. Not only that, but with 3 kids under the age of 8, plus me and my sister Charlotte, it can tend to be a nightmare. (I normally am forced to sit in the very back seat, in the middle of two kids). I decided to create a list of ways that I survive the trip.

#1 Audiobooks or  music.
If you have these, you get to sit and relax and focus on other things beside being sick and uncomfortable. Plus, sometimes you don't always  have a chance on other days to be able to enjoy these things. (I get carsick when I read)

#2 Candy
This may sound silly, but if you have candy you can normally bribe your siblings into not touching you and/or being quiet. (Don’t tell them I said that!)

#3 A travel pillow
Not only is it good at making you comfortable, it's also good at blocking out noise if you hold against your ears.

#4 Good Games
Keep these in mind to stop siblings from annoying you and keep them occupied:
The letter game: you find letters in the alphabet on license plates, exit signs, and billboards.
I spy: Just make sure its in the car.
The quiet game: You normally have to give them candy in order to play this game

#5 Coloring and sketchbooks.
Another one of those things to sidetrack you from being squished in the middle of the back seat between two kids.

#6  A notebook
I love writing fanfiction, especially on road trips!

#7  Phone, headphones, and my tablet.
So I can text my friends and play games.

Last of all
#8 Comfy clothing!
I normally go with slippers, yoga pants, and a t-shirt. Sometimes I bring a sleeping mask, to help me fall asleep.

All kidding aside, the thing I really need to get through a road trip is a good attitude! As long as I remember that we will be there eventually and will have a blast, I can survive an roadtrip with my siblings.

Hope you enjoyed ~


Monday, February 24, 2014

Oldest, Youngest, or Middle?

The question that always comes up in my family is: what's better, to be Younger, Older, or in the Middle? Now of course we use complaining in different situations for example: “I wish I was in the Middle because she always gets away with stuff” or other times its “I wish I was the youngest because they always get all the attention!” But the question that I had is what do my siblings actually want? Do they like the place they are in? or do the wish they could be in a different position? I decided to ask  
them questions about what they think is so cool about the different places. I was surprised at the results! Here they are:

Question 1: How do you feel about being in your position?
Charlotte: “’s pretty good, except sometimes you don't get a lot of attention.”
Ellie:”I feel like I don't get as much attention”
Josiah: “I feel like I have more fun, and you have more chores, so I don’t care...”(Ouch)

Question 2:What do you get that the others don't?
Charlotte: “I get out of stuff..a lot..”
Ellie: “I have a good age where I can do stuff for younger kids that you and Charlotte can't, because you are too old.”
Josiah: “I get spoiled, I get baths...I also have more toys!”

Question 3:What do I get that you don't?
Charlotte: “I wish I could be in charge because when you were my age you were allowed to watch the kids, but I can't because you're the oldest”
Ellie: “I wish I could have more sleepovers and parties, and be in charge. Also get more attention”
Josiah:”Um..I don't know, I wish I was in charge” (scary thought)

Question 4:Do you wish you were older?
Charlotte: “I wish I could”
Ellie: “Sometimes, I don’t know!”
Josiah: “NO! 100% just no..” (?)

Question 5: If you could choose to be Oldest, Middle or Youngest, what would you be?
Charlotte: “Middle, so the same.”
Ellie: “Same, but more attention.”
Josiah: “Stay the same, but be 7, because the I get a blue book with a dolphin on it” (school book maybe?)

Funny, right? They said all of this without even knowing what the others said. Everyone came to the conclusion that they all like where they are (Oldest, Middle, or Youngest.)
Also, Elijah is the youngest but he can't talk and Josiah’s 5 year older than him, so he is used to being the youngest.

Well I hope you enjoyed! Till next time!~


Editing Credit: Marisa Makil

Friday, February 21, 2014

Welcome to my Blog!

Welcome to my blog! Honestly I'm a bit nervous to start this but I'm always up for an adventure and always looking forward to new things. Here goes nothing.

So to start off; my name is Cora Marie Austin, and I'm 13 years (almost 14) old. I love to read and write, I longboard, and play video games. I'm a very social person, and I've been homeschooled for my whole life, and plan to be throughout highschool.
I am the oldest of 5 children. My siblings names are Charlotte (11) Ellie (8) Josiah (6) and Elijah (1 1/2). Sometimes it gets kind of crazy at my house, just the other day Elijah dumped hot chocolate mix everywhere. He snuck into the pantry and grabbed the big bin of it! He loved it so much he was literally licking it off the floor (gross, right?) When my mom came out she was upset at first, but she felt better after she took a picture and posted it on facebook.

That sort of stuff happens almost everyday at our house, thats one of the reasons I want to write this blog. To share with everyone just how crazy and awesome my family is! To share funny things that my siblings (and I) do.

Well I hope this lets you know a little bit about me and what I’m going to write about.


Editing credit: Emma K