Friday, April 25, 2014

The Chocolate Surprise

Today, I have a story to tell. It’s my most embarrassing one, so enjoy!

It all started on my way back from our family road trip to Canada. With so many siblings, we have to take stops about every hour for one reason or another. Well, about a quarter way through our trip, I decided to eat a box of Smarties I had packed in my travel bag for the car trip (Canadian smarties are like M&M’s except, in my mind, way better. . .but unfortunately they don't sell them in America).  Without thinking I gave my younger brother a few pieces, because I was just being a good sister. He wasn't looking so he dropped most of them and at the time I really didn't care. About an hour later we had to stop at a big rest stop for food and a potty break. I got out of the car and walked around the restaurants and gift shops for a good 15 minutes, but the whole time people gave me really weird looks. Of course at the time I was confused why people were laughing at me and why little kids were pointing at me, but eventually I just didn't even care. When it was time to leave, I was about to get in the car when my mom pointed out that I had been walking around with chocolate stains all over the back of my pants. When I looked I realized just how bad it was. All up and down the back of my pants was covered in chocolate. . .I suddenly remembered where my brother had dropped the candy. . .right under his seat. When I looked I saw that the chocolate had melted and drooled all the way down under me.

So the lesson in this story is: Clean up your mess right away, especially if its chocolate in the back seat of the car on a long road trip!

If this put a smile on your face, put a smile on mine by 1+ing, sharing, and commenting on this post! Be sure to check my blog often to read more fun stuff. Thanks again!

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