On March 24 my 6 year old brother turned 7! Here is what happened.
He woke up very early in the morning, to find a special present on his bed full of candy and little gadgets and trinkets. He then proceeded to eat all his candy and blame it on Elijah-my youngest brother. When I woke up and came upstairs he informed me that I had to get him breakfast, because he was the boss of me on his birthday.
He proceeded all day long to command us to do all his work because it was his day (he even attempted to boss my mom around.) Eventually me and my sister Charlotte went downstairs and locked ourselves in my room to get away from “King Josiah.” He came down and pounded on the door saying that we had to come upstairs to watch his show with him because he was in charge.
At dinner we ate Tacos and cake. We all played the story game, because Josiah wanted to play that and he reminded us once again, we had to play because it was HIS birthday, not ours.
Finally It was bedtime, the time of day where I get excited for some alone time. He fought, and fought sleep, but finally he lost and fell into a deep slumber, and I was free!
Editing Credit: http://wonderingatthisworld.blogspot.com/
Go check out my friend's blog, and tell her I sent you!
Hope you enjoyed, Cora~
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