Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How to Survive a Long Car Trip with Siblings

My family took a road trip around Christmas time to visit some family up in Canada! It was a lot of fun, but unfortunately its a 4-8 hour trip (depending on where we go) plus all the potty breaks and food stops. Not only that, but with 3 kids under the age of 8, plus me and my sister Charlotte, it can tend to be a nightmare. (I normally am forced to sit in the very back seat, in the middle of two kids). I decided to create a list of ways that I survive the trip.

#1 Audiobooks or  music.
If you have these, you get to sit and relax and focus on other things beside being sick and uncomfortable. Plus, sometimes you don't always  have a chance on other days to be able to enjoy these things. (I get carsick when I read)

#2 Candy
This may sound silly, but if you have candy you can normally bribe your siblings into not touching you and/or being quiet. (Don’t tell them I said that!)

#3 A travel pillow
Not only is it good at making you comfortable, it's also good at blocking out noise if you hold against your ears.

#4 Good Games
Keep these in mind to stop siblings from annoying you and keep them occupied:
The letter game: you find letters in the alphabet on license plates, exit signs, and billboards.
I spy: Just make sure its in the car.
The quiet game: You normally have to give them candy in order to play this game

#5 Coloring and sketchbooks.
Another one of those things to sidetrack you from being squished in the middle of the back seat between two kids.

#6  A notebook
I love writing fanfiction, especially on road trips!

#7  Phone, headphones, and my tablet.
So I can text my friends and play games.

Last of all
#8 Comfy clothing!
I normally go with slippers, yoga pants, and a t-shirt. Sometimes I bring a sleeping mask, to help me fall asleep.

All kidding aside, the thing I really need to get through a road trip is a good attitude! As long as I remember that we will be there eventually and will have a blast, I can survive an roadtrip with my siblings.

Hope you enjoyed ~
